Five 7-year-old girls represented Beijing Youth Diving Club to pay a visit to Saint Andrew’s School in Florida on May 8. They and their coach were warmly welcomed by the school’s students and teachers.

  Saint Andrew’s School is located in Boca Raton, south of Florida. Established in 1962, the school is one famous institute gucci台灣旗艦店 in Florida. There are a lot of students who can swim, but only one kid chanel2013新款目錄包 is learning diving.

  The 5 Chinese girls performed diving for the students in Lower School; Mr. Duncan Hossack, Head of Lower lv名牌包包目錄 School, was also present. The young girls’ performances were so splendid and fascinating that awed the whole floor; audience kept praising and applauding all coach包包消費獻禮 through the performances. gucci官方網 Several American kids after the event even cried out, “I love China! China is the best place in the world!”

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