伦敦是上周正在热火朝天地进行 gucci官方網,各大秀场都不乏名人身影。本日在英国本土品牌Burberry的秀场上 lv2013夢幻新款目錄,咱们就发明赵薇和《唐顿庄园》中大小姐的表演者Michelle Dockery并肩坐在一起看秀。跟他们一起出席的,还有金喜善、Melanie Laurent、Rosie Huntington-Whiteley, Freida Pinto等名人。

  It's no great secret that prominent people are often paid (in cash if you're a big deal or in clothes if you're at blogger-level) to sit front row at Fashion Week shows。

  秀场规矩是:名人缺席都是有报酬的。假如是大牌明星 lv新款熱賣清庫,就直接付费;如果是草根红人,像博主一类,就送衣服。

  Fashion insiders estimate that big time celebs (Beyonce level) will get up to NZD$118,000 to sit for 10-or-so minutes and pose for a few shots, while less-aspirational reality stars will rake in around NZD$5 gucci皮夾型號,900.

  内部人士估量,像碧昂斯这样级别的明星,在秀场坐上非常钟,摆几个pose拍多少张照的用度高达118,000新西兰币(折合60万RMB!!!) lv官方網;而真人秀的小明星,则在5900新西兰币的样子(也有3万多RMB的说……)



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